Thursday, March 21, 2013

Settling In

Well the kittens are settling in to the routine together. I am so happy they are getting along so well. I was so worried. I tend to do that though. Worry.

It is such a useless activity. It doesn't fix any problem. If you believe in the idea the universe brings you what you think about the most - then it may actually be hurting things. It doesn't seem to make it any easier for me to stop it though.

Worrying is one of those activities I'd like to give up. Maybe take up faithing instead. I'd like to replace worry with believing that everything is as it should be. All part of the grand design.


  1. Oooh table top sitting training! Very handsome fellas.

  2. The boys are adorable. You're going to really enjoy seeing them interacting together!

  3. Those two are so cute together. I worry about things too so, I know how that goes. These two like each other though so now it's just what do they have planned.

  4. Your kitty boys are very handsome. As for worry, I've always had the notion that what I worry about never happens. If I can just manage to touch on every possible worry, everything will be just fine. It always seems to be the thing that never crossed my mind that sneaks up behind me and clobbers me over the head. So, there's my rather sad philosophy! Maybe I should give faith a try also.

  5. Handsome kittens! So glad they are getting along.

    Worry is very pervasive for me. So I cannot offer good suggestions for how not to do it.

  6. They've settled in just fine! And look at Quill, the dominant position. Wonder if he'll end up being top cat as Grayson grows up or if that will change. :-)

    Derry is second to Nicki in our house, most of the time, but certainly does hold his own in a tussle. :-)

    Oh, oh! Maybe we'll get to see tussling pics, if the boys wrestle a lot!

  7. Worry is a skill I have learnt very well!

  8. They look like they are getting along well. Congratulations!
