Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Pardon the randomness of news today.

Item One - I went for a mammogram today. I don't know if you know, but I have a condition that causes me to get hives from physical pressure. So you can imagine the day after a mammogram is not a lot of fun for me. Glad it's over though.

Item Two - I get an email from Amazon letting me know about products and books I might be interested in. I appreciate they care about me enough to give me ideas on how to spend money. Seriously I like a well thought out recommendation. So today I noticed Housecat Confidential as a subject line in an email from Amazon. That's right they recommend my own book to me. Apparently I am my own customer! How fun is that?

Item Three - I am about 7 pages away from finishing the first draft of my screenplay/future book!! I am so excited to finish. All this storyline swirling in my head for so long, and finally it is almost all out of me and on the page. I have lots of rewrites ahead of course, but I am going to be so happy to see complete. I always worry that I don't have the fortitude to finish what I start, so when I accomplish something it's a big deal for me. 


  1. What a thrill to be so close to finished with another book! Love that your own book was recommended to you. Gads the hives thing sounds awful!

  2. Good for you!!! And that is so funny about the recommendation :)

  3. HURRAH for you! About the screen play, that is...heh heh.

  4. Congrats! (uh, not on the hives part) What an accomplishment.

  5. Oh Congratulations!!! That is so exciting....can't wait to hear more about it!
    (no, not the mammogram)
    ; ) GG

  6. Kudos to you!!! (also not the mammogram lol)....I also can't wait to hear more. I do hope the mammo went well though.

    Too funny about Amazon!

  7. Kudos indeed. Love to meet fellow and human!
